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Deputy District Attorney Sharon Ransom, Candidate for Judge, Subjects Defendant Michael Taylor To Falsified Competency Proceedings By A Front-Dated Minute Order

Deputy District Attorney Sharon Ransom is running for superior court judge. But, when she isn't running for important offices, she's prejudicing the cases of indigent defendants. 

On May 2nd, 2024, DA Sharon Ransom declined to have defendant Michael Taylor committed to a state hospital after the defendant refused to undergo a 2nd opinion competency assessment by Dr. Phani Tumu, the expert witness doctor appointed by Ms. Ransom. The defendant's reasons for refusing to undergo a 2nd evaluation stems from compelling evidence of the initial assessment infringing on his 1st amendment rights to freedom of religion and speech and the assessment itself being suppressed from the defendant prior to and after accepting a 2nd opinion assessment by The Los Angeles County Public Defender. 

The competency assessment was filed by Deputy Public Defender Ms. Danielle Marie Daroca-Bell, seemingly at the behest of Judge Suzette Clover, seeing how all the dates are carelessly inaccurate. This also includes the defendant's 995 motion to dismiss that contains no signature and a timestamp that predates the date of the incident in question. 

Ms. Sharon Ransom declining to Judge Ronald Owen Kaye to have defendant Michael Taylor committed after he refused a 2nd opinion in open court suggests that Ms. Ransom has knowledge of the initial assessment's clerical error that the court has continued to subject the defendant to while systemically denying him the ability to object to anything. This has compelled defendant Michael Taylor to have roughly a 5-hour standoff with sheriffs at the Hollywood courthouse demanding that his constitutional rights be upheld. Sheriffs refused to arrest the defendant, calling LAPD to obstruct the defendant's access to equal justice. 

The reason LA County Sheriff's couldn't arrest the defendant is because Judge Ronald Owen Kaye ordered them to lock down the courthouse, stopping all people from entering or exiting the building. When LAPD arrived, they detained Mr. Taylor and threatened to arrest him for trespassing if he didn't leave on his own. The defendant insisted that its nobody's place to tell him when he is done handling business at a government facility, indicating that he still had complaints to write and information to request from the court clerk. By LAPD obstructing the defendant's access to the court at the behest of the LA County Sheriff, Los Angeles Police Department was complicit in violating the defendant's constitutional rights to due process and equal protection of the laws, allowing others to access the facility but him. 

While Ms. Ransom is not solely responsible for issuing the front-dated minute order, her awareness of it while failing to object to the error suggests complicity in the prejudicing of Michael Taylor's defense. All officers of the court have a fiduciary duty to ensure the constitutional rights of defendants are upheld at all times during legal proceedings, including prosecutors. Ms. Ransom is complicit with the court coercing the defendant to provide potentially damaging information directly to the prosecutor without any systemic opportunity to object or challenge. 

As it stands, Ms. Ransom is refusing to drop the charges, hoping that the court and public defense counsel can pressure the defendant into prejudicing his case before they are exposed for judicial misconduct. Michael Taylor is declaring asylum from political prosecution in another state, refusing consent to prejudicial court proceedings. Judge Ronald Owen Kaye appears to be more concerned with covering the liability of the public defender than he is protecting the rights of the defendant, who is essentially being penalized for upholding the law during criminal proceedings. 

Stay tuned for more details...



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