Winter is great. Honestly, it’s my favorite season. But with all the good that winter brings also comes shorter days, less sunshine, and more gloom. And it can be especially difficult for the most creative of us to stay afloat in the midst of it all.
However, there are a number of great strategies to combat the melancholy moods we might find ourselves falling into during this time of year, and I’ve included some of those that I’ve found most helpful below.
1. Get exercise
It seems like exercise is the cure for everything, from bad moods, to stress — and anything in between. And it’s really true! Exercise is vital not only for a healthy body, but also for a healthy mind.
However, before you wince or roll your eyes at the thought of going to the gym (how many of us really look forward to that?), fear not. Movement doesn’t have to be strenuous, and you don’t have to go from 0-100 and work out for hours every day. You can do it from the comfort of your own home, even in the smallest of spaces and with no fancy equipment.
Speaking from personal experience, something as simple as some light stretching or gentle yoga is often just what I need to shift my mindset, refocus, and reset during the day. It keeps my mood up during the cold months, or any time I feel unsettled or lost. I’ve noticed a big difference in my mindset when I’m working out regularly, and I always regret it when I fall out of my routine. Taking a break to do some yoga, or to take a quick walk in the middle of the day, even helps alleviate that pesky writer’s block.
So, if it’s possible for you, try to maintain an easy and undaunting exercise regimen. Whether you choose to do it at the crack of dawn, before bed, or anytime in between, it gets the endorphins up and creates a comforting sense of stability, especially when things around you—like your career or the weather—become uncertain.
2. Create a routine
Speaking of routines, if you don’t have a daily routine, it can be so helpful to have one. It doesn’t have to be complicated, and you don’t have to have every minute of the day militantly scheduled, because you don’t need to add any more stress to your life. Rather, the routine you create can help give you something to look forward to, especially on those dreary days. Your routine can also relieve the stress that starts to creep in when your to-do list (i.e., the million tasks you have to take care of as an independent artist) gets out of hand. (We know how fast that can happen, don’t we?)
Are you planning a tour? In the middle of recording an album? Running your own PR campaign for your new release? Juggling all of the responsibilities that come with constructing an artistic career is hard. The overwhelm is real, I know. BUT, even if the only structure you can manage to build into your schedule is taking 20 minutes for yourself before you start your day to enjoy your coffee, or to read five pages in that book you’ve had on your bedside table for the last year, that’s a routine.
Even better if you can start incorporating tasks that will propel you forward in your career, like reaching out to x number of publications every day between 10 and 11 a.m., or spending one hour building your social media presence between 6 and 7 p.m.
3. Get some sun
Ah, sunshine, what would we do without you? That brilliant orb in the sky is just as important in sustaining the Earth as a whole, as it is to supporting us individually.
I get it. As an independent artist, your schedule can often get busy and unpredictable. It’s so easy to get trapped in a perpetual cycle of checking important tasks off our to-do lists. But, let’s not forget that we actually get some sunny days during the winter! Getting outside into the fresh air and sunshine every day — even if it’s just for 10 minutes — will help you break away from your responsibilities for a moment, and can help get your creative juices flowing freely once again, especially when you feel stuck.
4. Treat yo’self!
Small acts of self-love are so important for our mental health and for restoring our spirits.
Something as simple as taking yourself out for coffee or lunch — or, if you’re in a colder climate and don’t want to leave your cozy couch, making yourself a cup of hot chocolate or tea — can be a beneficial reminder that you deserve to treat yourself with care, and that you deserve good things. Listen to that song or album that you’ve been wanting to hear, but just haven’t had a chance to yet. Try out that new café down the road. Take yourself out for ice cream. Go to the library. Think of what makes you the happiest—what makes you feel the most alive—and make sure to do one of those things at least once a week.
Although these tips are meant to fight the winter blues, they’re also great to keep in mind any time of year. They will help you to feel your creative best, no matter the season.

Erica D’Aurora is the Founder of Gioia Communications, a boutique music PR agency centered on highlighting what makes you, you, bringing buzz to your latest releases and projects through targeted, personalized press campaigns and materials. Gioia Communications’ services include professional biography writing, press release writing, securing interview opportunities and features, and more, always remaining focused on the artist, the music, and the stories behind them.
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